Private Customers

Collection, transport and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste
Collection and transport of non-hazardous waste is ensured by the positioning of bins (available from 60 litres up to 1 m³), waste compactors and skips of various capacity (da 3 m³ a 40 m³) and the emptying on demand or according to prearranged collections. The waste can either be sent to a suitably licensed facility for recycling or disposal, or can be sorted at Bra Servizi.

Emptying of Cesspools, pipeline video inspection, sewage treatment and drain cleaning
Unblocking and high-pressure water cleaning of pipes (drainage systems, gutter, etc), the emptying and cleaning of cesspools, septic tanks and Imhoff tanks are among the many services provided by Bra Servizi. A fleet of tankers is equipped with the latest water pressure jetting technology. A prompt and high-standard service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. As well as removing silt and sewage, there is also a collection, transport, storage and disposal service for any type of liquid waste, hazardous and non-hazardous, which covers private citizens and industrial sites.o e smaltimento di ogni tipologia di rifiuto liquido civile e/o industriale, pericoloso e non.

Dismantling, transport and disposal of products containing asbestos
Bra Servizi provides asbestos removal and site clearance services. The dismantling, transport and removal of asbestos materials takes place after a previous inspection and chemical analysis in order to isolate fibres free of asbestos. After preparing work and operational safety plans for the Health and Safety department ASL as provided for by art. 34 DL no 277 e/o Direttiva 494/96, Bra Servizi removes the material containing asbestos / asbestos cement sheeting. The material is then transported and disposed of at licensed plants.

Processing and recycling of waste building material and debris
Thanks to cutting-edge technology which enables the quick removal and suction of building debris up to a diameter of 40 cm, and to a specialised processing plant, Bra Servizi can provide a complete service for the handling of huge quantities of inert waste of which most can be recycled (eg. used in road surfaces). This considerably reduces the burden placed on landfills.

Chemical Toliet Hire / Bins
Chemical toilet hire and cleaning and bin rental for festivities and public and private events.

Environmental advice and assistance with administration (for everyone)
A team of experts and highly trained staff provide advice and assistance in a wide range of waste management administrative duties. These include the compilation of loading/unloading registers, the compilation of the Annual Environmental Declaration forms (Modello unico di dichiarazione ambientale, MUD), help in registering for the Waste tracking control system SISTRI and assistance with the collection of USB devices and the installation and configuration of Black Boxes. Other SISTRI problems can be resolved as and when necessary.